Mathematics Investigation Centre
In the City of Guanajuato is located the prestigious Mathematics Investigation Centre. Phoenix Films developed a corporate video for the organization to show the important work done in the fields of research and investigation. The department of Pure and Applied Mathematics at CIMAT is one of the most important in its field in Mexico, and the strongest one outside Mexico City. It is divided in six groups, according to the lines of research of its personnel: Differential Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Functional Analysis, Topology and Combinatorial Geometry.
The department is characterized by having an intense academic exchange with researchers from similar institutions in Mexico and abroad. Every year, a series of workshops and specialized meetings are arranged, at national and international levels. Also, several weekly specialized seminars are organized.
The department is also active with teaching activities at the undergraduate and graduate programs offered by the center.
Direction Abraham Dayan
Photography: Angel Arozamena