The Applied Physics and Advanced Technology Centre (CFATA) is a singular investigation entity of UNAM that holds a multidisciplinary character with a vocation to establish links and connections with the public sectors. Its purpose is of the biggest importance for the technology development of Mexico.
In May the Centre celebrates a decade of existence and Phoenix Films is commissioned to the production of a commemorative institutional video.
The Centre was born in 1991 as a department of the Physics Institute of the National and Autonomous University and soon acquire the character of Centre in 2002. Even thou its short life, is recognized for its high academic productivity
CFATA currently counts with two departments. Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering of Materials. The multidisciplinary nature of the Centre become evident in the professional education of the personnel. Physics, Physics engineering, Chemical engineering, and engineering in a diverse range of disciplines. This characteristic confer the necessary flexibility to adress technological development problems related to the regional and national needs.
The prime objectives of the Centre are:
To produce original technological developments that are useful for the society and that are entailed to the public, social and productive sectors. As well as to support and reinforce the technology transfer to the national productive sectors.
To bring up professionals and academics with a solid preparation to give them the capacity to compete in the national and international levels.
To broaden the scope of the ISO 9001:2008 Certification and to prove analytic tests that the regional industry requiere to validate their processes.
To promote and support the knowledge diffusion.
The research lines are cultivated in the Centre are numerous and were established in relation to the individual investigators interests. This lines can are in different phases and can be grouped as follows:
Biological and medical applications, Mathematic physics, Photonia, Molecular engineering of materials, Nanotechnology and Food technology.
The infrastructure of the Centre is conformed by 5 analytic services laboratories and 11 research laboratories.
The analytic services laboratories are certified ISO 9001:2008 and are: Light dispersion, X Ray diffraction, Optic spectroscope, Microscopy, Mechanic tests.
The research laboratories are: Food, Catalysis, Corrosion, Optic Fiber, Lasers, Nano-bio-optics, Shock waves, Thin layers, Radiometry, Organic semiconductors, Ultrasonics.
Director: Carlos Alcocer
Photography: Alejandro Alcocer