
Towards the end of the eighties of last century, a group of researchers from the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Biomedical Research of the UNAM, began to dream with the possibility of having a Center for Neurobiology that could be located outside Mexico City. To become reality, this dream required a long and tortuous time, full of uncertainties and challenges , which added many wills and the effort and commitment of a large number of actors.

After many vicissitudes and a long incubation of five years. Finally the proposal was formally unanimously approved by the University Council on September 25, 1993 . That historic meeting took place the birth of the Neurobiology Institute in Queretaro, which become the largest and most important site for the study of the nervous system throughout the country .

Today the Institute of Neurobiology of the UNAM is celebrating its first 20 years of existence and that is why Phoenix Films made ​​a memorial video extolling the achievements made ​​during these two decades.

The production of this video took place in the city of Querétaro during three days of shooting.

Director: Carlos Alcocer
Director of Photography: Alejandro Alcocer